Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The first post

Hello! I am Kazu.
I would like to start my daily blog for the purpose of three reasons below.

1. to have more oppotunity of ourput
2. to get accostomed to writing in English quickly
3. to leave what we I have done or have thought in online source

For the first post, I introduce a book witten by Kenichiro Mogi (茂木健一郎).
The title is "Brain & Action"(邦題:脳を活かす仕事術~「わかる」を「できる」に変える~、PHP出版、2008)

I have felt recently that Mogi's idea is quite unique and his advices based on his major field, Brain Science, is really understandable for me. For example, he suggests in the book that you have to act imeadiately after you come up with doing something (ex. assignments) if you are to concentrate on the issue, leaving all the other little issues behind.
Looking back to my experiences, I tend to leave what I want to do most and do tiny thigs first. He insists, however that these behavior is inefficient because we should retain the first until we complete all tiny things. That's why I'm writing this blog as soon as I read the point in the book at the book store unlike the usual way of finishing tasks. Although I cannnot explain, this way of practices seems desparetly needed for me now.

There are another thing that I got interested; Sensary system (=Input, 感覚系 ) and motive system (=output, 運動系) are different.
Let me give you an example. Say, you love watching movies. Then you can appriciate which movie is good and which one is crap. Neverthless, you usually cannot make good movies even though you are huge fan of cinemas. It is certain that you need practices and compare your works to what you think is good to create one that satisfies you. So, as you know, it is one thing to have inputs (it allows you to have good ablity for appriciation). But it is quite another thing to make outputs (it allows you to "ship" your works).
Surprisingly, in the scientific view, he says that Sensary system (=Input) and motive system (=output) is not connetcted in our brain and we have to gap the balance of the level of input and that of output through the works we creats in order to make good products (or at least reach our full potential). He adds that we should pay more attention to make outputs since ICT brought us so many chance to make inputs both consciously and unconsciously that we apt to have much more inputs, making us feel a difficulty in expressing our thought as nicely as possible.

In conclusion, he suggets us to have more oppotunity for output. So I intend to fill the gap of Sensary system (=Input) and motive system (=output) by this blog!

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